Inferno (airdates January 20 & 27, 1985)
Part 1 Intro: The Doctor will soon find that the wizard of ooze, Professor Stahlman, has undergone a distinct change of personality. Or shall I say an intensification of his already rotten one? It will be interesting to see which being prevails. One might say it would make a world of difference.
Part 1 "Next Week": Next week, the Doctor and Jo will meet the Axons, beautiful humanoids who resemble golden statues. Shakespeare tells us that all that glisters is not gold, which is right on the money. You can bet your bottom dollar he will see that they are shillingfor their spaceship, and that, to be franc,he will not pesomuch attention to them as to "The Claws of Axos."
(This announcement was, of course, a week early.)
(Part 2 not currently available)