Purchase of Davison and Pertwee Episodes (April 1983)
(announcer sits in front of a black wall, with the graphic above in a corner)
Announcer: Tonight, I have some special news for fans of Doctor Who. Just a few days ago, Channel 11 completed negotiations on rights for the purchase of old and new episodes of the Doctor's adventures. Thus, the Time Lord's life on 11 is guaranteed for at least several more years. Here's how it will work. Eventually, we'll obtain all of the Peter Davison adventures, but initially, we'll receive seven. So... Sunday, April 10, Time Lord Tom Baker becomes Time Lord Peter Davison. On Sunday, April 17, we'll have our annual auction, so no Doctor Who on that day. But then, on the Sunday following the auction, April 24, we'll present the first of the new Davison adventures. In June, we'll bring you the first adventure of the first Doctor Who seen in the United States, Jon Pertwee. And from that point, we'll present a continuing, chronological panorama of all the episodes that follow: Pertwee through Baker through Davison. For most people, this explanation would be too complex. But for you fans of the Doctor, who have been exposed to the most profound and arcane mysteries of the universe, it is, I am sure, as clear as the relentlessness of the Daleks. The Doctor lives!
(As it happened, the Pertwee package featured only 14 of his 24 stories, and did not include his first.)