The Five Doctors (November 23, 1983)
(regular end theme in background throughout)
First Doctor: The TARDIS!
Susan: What's it doing here?
Announcer: Meet the Doctor. He's a wonderful chap... all of them!
First Doctor: Goodness me, so there are five of me now! (chuckles)
Second Doctor: Oh, dear.
Brigadier: Hm?
Second Doctor: We could be playing the Game of Rassilon at this very moment!
Third Doctor: I knew it, a trap!
Announcer: It's a very special Doctor Whoadventure when the original Doctor teams up with all four of his regenerations.
Romana: Doctor!
Fourth Doctor: Yes?
Romana: Shh! Hurry!
Fourth Doctor: Coming!
Announcer: Join the Doctors as they encounter Daleks, and Cybermen, and much more, in a real who's who.
Cyber-Leader: You will accompany us.
Fifth Doctor: Sorry, must dash.
Announcer: Celebrate twenty years with "The Five Doctors," Wednesday at 10:30.