Chicago premiere of Sylvester McCoy (December 25, 1988)
(opening theme in background throughout)
Announcer: Starting Sunday, December 25th, Channel 11 will take you on some all-new adventures in space.
Murray: ...technical difficulty.
Announcer: For the first time in Chicago, it's the very latest Doctor Whoadventures, starring Sylvester McCoy.
The Doctor: Ah! Thank goodness in this regeneration I've regained my impeccable sense of haute couture.
Announcer: He's up against some new villains...
Bin Liner: We're the Kangs-- Red Kangs!
Announcer: ...with a new assistant.
Mel: (screams) Help! Put me down! Oh! Oh!
The Doctor: Drop the melodramatics!
Announcer: In his newest regeneration, the intrepid Time Lord will soar to new heights!
The Doctor: Going up?
Announcer: So meet the new Doctor, December 25th!
(close of opening theme)