Doctor Who Pledge (August 24, 1986)
(precedes "The Web Planet," pt.2; available tape begins in mid-pledge)
And any time you know the history of something and its roots, you always appreciate more what you have in the present.
[I suppose this was supposed to mean that an appreciation of the show's history enhances your enjoyment, but it certainly ended up sounding like "You'll never complain about current Doctor Whoagain after you've seen what it was like in 1963!"]
And as you know, as we go through these-- we're going through them chronologically --we'll come through the... all the Doctors that we have, right through Colin Baker again. If you'd like to see it continue after that, well, I don't know what the plans are. That'll run us, uh, quite a ways into the future. But our plans are to acquire the program's rights and keep them, and keep bringing them to you. And you can help make it continue with your call to [number deleted].
All right, so Hartnell was WTTW's current Doctor, but what's a Doctor Whopledge break without at least one Tom Baker scarf?
$100 subscription: the Doctor Whorole-playing game, which contains the Player's Manual-- that's rules for creating characters, rules for play, and a glossary of game terms --the Game Operations Manual, suggestions on creating adventures, hints on adventure presentation, Game Master information, rules for judging...
...and the Scorebook [sic] for Field Operatives, which contains the Time Traveler's Handbook, the TARDIS Operations Manual, the Visitor's Guide to Gallifrey, equipment descriptions, and background information on many, many things. Yours with a $100 subscription.
And for the last time, I will mention... with a $150 subscription... a reserved seat for the all-day session with Tom and Colin Baker at Whovent USA 1986, September 21st at the Sheraton O'Hare. Reserved seats, autographs guaranteed, plus souvenir autographed posters. The first fifty fulfilled $150 subscriptions tonight. And with both those subscriptions, you will get both magazines, Dial Elevenand Chicagomagazine. And... more important... than all of that... is the fact... that you will continue to see Doctor Whoand allthe programs you have come to enjoy and expect on this station.
We're just about to begin. Sit back and enjoy it. I would like to thank all of our operators tonight; we've had a wonderful group, and our crew has worked very hard. Most of all, I'd like to thank those of you who have beensubscribers, and who have begu-- become subscribers. It is you who are making Channel 11 the station that it is. [...]